About TfL Travel for Life
TfL Travel for Life is an accreditation programme offering schools and education settings across London a series of free educational programmes for age 3 to 17. Designed to inspire young Londoners to travel actively, responsibly and safely, we award a gold, silver or bronze accreditation based on the number of activities that have been completed.
How it worksSeven reasons to join TfL Travel for Life
You don't need to have any specific knowledge or experience to take part, just a lot of enthusiasm to make a difference to your school community!
Create an accountIt is free, easy and there is plenty of content, lesson plans and guides to support you.
Supports the School Travel and Climate Action planning, the OFSTED Enrichment programme and the Curriculum.
There are incentives along the way like competitions for new scooters or vouchers. We also host an annual Top School Awards for the hardest working schools on the programmes.
Promotes peer-led projects and leadership as well as other life skills and employability.
The benefits of physical exercise on pupils health and wellbeing are well known. We know this is a focus for many schools and we want to support. By taking part in the programme, you will become an advocate for the benefits of walking and cycling and give pupils and parents practical support to increase physical activity.
Reduces car congestion around your school and improves road safety and air quality
We are here to help and guide you through the process, contact our support team or join a drop-in seminar online
Get accredited
Schools are awarded a gold silver or bronze accreditation depending on how many activities they deliver and the impact on car use and active travel. Many schools are already delivering lots of activities to support active travel as part of the curriculum, their Climate Action Plan and their Enrichment Programme. Why not capture all these activities and get the recognition you deserve as part of the TfL Travel for Life programme?
Accreditation isn't just a badge, it's a way to show your school community, current and prospective parents, current and prospective staff and OFSTED the value you place on a healthy, safe and empowering school environment.

Activities adaptable to your school's needs
We have already accredited over 1500 schools. It has never been easier to register and we have over 125 inspiring activities to choose from, all adaptable to your pupils' needs and your schools' travel concerns. With our new accreditation support team, we are here to help you register, plan and deliver!