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Attend a Junior Citizenship Scheme

Suitable for Year 6 pupils. Supports the PSHE and Citizenship National Curriculum.



TfL Explorers Logo

Education phase

Key stage 2

Category of activity


Types of activity

Public Transport Walking Scooting Cycling Independent Travel Road Safety

How it helps

  • Supports the PSHE National Curriculum
  • Promotes positive travel behaviours

About the activity

The Junior Citizenship Scheme (JCS) helps pupils prepare for challenges they may face as they become young adults when travelling around London. The scheme is a half day event for Year 6 pupils (and occasionally Year 5s) run in some London boroughs.

The events consist of a carousel of activities with up to ten different agencies delivering short sessions on topics relating to good citizenship. Pupils complete a circuit of activities in small groups, learning through experience and real-life risk situations that test their ability to make responsible decisions.

Topics and agencies covered can include:

  • Travelling by bus
  • Travelling on the Underground
  • London Fire Brigade
  • Metropolitan Police Service
  • St John Ambulance
  • Dogs Trust
  • Road safety teams


If there is no JCS in your local area, you can have a session delivered at your school instead by TfL's Travel for Life team

Activity steps

Step 1

Contact your borough officer. Speak to your borough officer to find out if there is a Junior Citizenship Scheme local to your school

Step 2

Keep your eye out. Watch out for an invitation for your Year 6 pupils to attend an upcoming event

Step 3

Enjoy the day. Accompany your pupils on the day, encourage them to get involved and take lots of photos!

Step 4

Check for success. Ask your pupils about the day. Did they enjoy it? What key messages did they take from the event?

Step 5

Use the Transition. Encourage your pupils to complete the activities in the Transition resource (you will receive this after the event) either as a class or at home

Step 6

Tell your story. Upload evidence in "my activities".