Education phase
Category of activity
TravelTypes of activity
How it helps
- Encourages class participation and team work
- Can be linked with curriculum subjects
- Raises awareness of Air Quality
About the activity
Green Transport Week takes place every June to raise awareness of the relationship between transport and the environment. It is also a platform for debate on transport-related concerns and an opportunity for schools to tackle local transport issues they’re facing.
It’s up to you how you use the week. It could be a good time to launch a cycling club, walking bus, an Air Quality competition or you could use it to focus attention on and celebrate the progress your school has made in moving away from car use over the year.
Work with your school travel working group, eco council and TfL Explorers Ambassadors to decide how you’d like to use the week to support your active travel targets.
Visit the Green Transport Week web page to find out the dates of the next week, and whether there is a theme. If you’re planning an activity, contact the week’s organisers to find out how they can support you.
How to evidence your activity
Add your story to the TfL Travel for Life website. Explain the activity, add photos and include any feedback from the school community. Also include any promotional materials you produced for the week.
Activity steps
Step 1
Get ready. Visit the Green Transport Week website (see Resources) to find out when the next week takes place and what the latest theme is
Step 2
Plan your action. With your school travel working group, decide how you’d like to mark the day, then contact the event’s organisers to let them know about your activities
Step 3
Shout about it. Promote the activities you’re planning and their environmental benefits to the wider school community with posters and an article in the newsletter or on the website
Step 4
Go green. Use Green Transport Week to raise awareness among your school community and beyond. Have fun and don’t forget to take photos!
Step 5
Tell your story. Upload evidence in "my activities".