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Health benefits of active travel

Suitable for all pupils. Supports the PSHE and Citizenship National Curriculum.


Education phase

Early years Key stage 2 Key stage 3 Key stage 4 Key stage 5 Key stage 1

Categories of activity


Types of activity


How it helps

  • Supports the PSHE National Curriculum
  • Encourages health and wellbeing

About the activity

Put together a lesson or assembly adapted to the needs and level of your class to teach them about the health benefits of active travel.

Children and young people should engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This could include travelling actively to school, which improves the air quality around your school and has health benefits for your pupils. You could use this as the basis for your lesson.

Why not host an assembly focusing on the health benefits of active travel? Or you could incorporate the message into a science lesson with a focus on health.

This activity could be incorporated into the environmental benefits of active travel activity. See Resources for more inspiration and lesson ideas.

Activity steps

Step 1

Get planning. Work with your school travel working group or eco-council to decide how you will include the health benefits of active travel in lessons or assemblies

Step 2

Be resourceful. Speak to your borough officer about what you’re planning – they may have some resources you could use or suggestions for how to deliver activities

Step 3

Check for success. How did your pupils find the lesson/assembly? What did they learn about the health benefits of active travel? Record their feedback

Step 4

Tell your story. Upload evidence in "my activities".