Education phase
Category of activity
ConsultationTypes of activity
How it helps
- Encourages parental participation
- Promotes positive travel behaviours
- Develops understanding of travel issues
Useful Resources
Parents/Carers Survey Template Short version Parent/Carer Survey Template Parents Travel Issues SurveyUseful Links
Parent/carer involvement Communicating with parents/carers/significant adults Primaries - Active Travel Coffee Morning Year 7 orientation - independent travel Make an online survey with MS Forms Make an online survey with Survey MonkeyAbout the activity
Parents and carers play a key role in influencing their children's attitude towards active travel, as well as deciding how they travel to school and in their spare time.
Ask parents/carers to share their thoughts on their current and preferred methods of travel. This can be a great basis to encourage people to travel more actively. Use our adaptable parents/carers survey template for help getting started.
Work with your school travel working group to help plan and carry out the survey with parents/carers. Schools may choose to collect and record the information using a physical, in-person survey, or by using survey tools such as Survey Monkey or Microsoft Forms.
How to evidence your activity
- Upload a screen grab of the email to parents, or you could upload the results of your survey
- If you did the activity in person, upload pictures of people filling it in (don’t include faces)
Activity steps
Step 1
Plan your approach - Discuss and plan with your school travel working group how you want to carry out the survey with parents/carers
Step 2
Consult – Carry out the survey with parents/carers to find out how they travel to school (download template from Resources)
Step 3
Act on your findings - Use your findings to plan future events or carry out follow up consultations to highlight success or the need for more work
Step 4
Feedback - Regularly update parents/carers with your TfL Travel for Life news letting them know how their ideas have contributed through your school’s newsletter and website
Step 5
Tell your story - Upload this activity the TfL Travel for Life website