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School travel noticeboard and web page

Suitable for all schools and nurseries.


Education phase

Early years Key stage 2 Key stage 3 Key stage 4 Key stage 5 Key stage 1

Categories of activity


Types of activity


How it helps

  • Supports all TfL Travel for Life travel activities
  • Encourages whole school participation

About the activity

A travel noticeboard in your school or nursery, or on your website, helps keep pupils, staff, parents/carers and visitors up to date with all your travel-related news. 

Use the noticeboard to promote upcoming activities and celebrate successful events. You could display/add links to bus and train timetables and a map of the local area as well as pictures and posters to encourage active travel.

Choose a spot for your board that pupils, staff and visitors to the school pass by regularly to make sure updates are seen. Or, if your noticeboard is a page on your website, ensure travel news and events are featured on your website’s homepage. Regularly updates the board (at least once a term) with news of your latest active travel events or competitions.

This is a good activity in which to involve your TfL Explorers and Pioneers Ambassadors. They could be responsible for putting the board together and keeping it up to date whether physically in your nursery or school, or online.

Get started by downloading the cards and adding your own top tips for road safety or active travel.

How to evidence your activity 

When you upload your evidence, explain the activity, how the school community engages with it and add photos of the noticeboard or a link to the school travel web page. Note down any anecdotal comments you hear from parents/carers about the usefulness of the board.

Activity steps

Step 1

Find a good spot. Discuss your options with your head teacher and find a suitable place for your noticeboard. If online, speak to the website’s editor about how you would like the page to work

Step 2

Pupil power. Ask pupils (this could be TfL Explorers Ambassadors) to help decorate and update the noticeboard. Make it bright and colourful to attract attention!

Step 3

Use it! Use your noticeboard to promote upcoming events and celebrate completed projects by adding pictures and posters

Step 4

Tell your story. Upload your evidence to 'my activities'