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TfL Discoverers

Nursery settings



TfL Explorers Logo

Education phase

Early years

Category of activity


Types of activity

Road Safety

How it helps

  • Supports the EYFS curriculum
  • Encourages active travel
  • Introduces key road safety messages
  • Encourages parental involvement

About the activity

TfL Discoverers is a free educational programme that teaches young Londoners safe behaviour around roads. The programme is fully funded by Transport for London.

This programme is a fun and easy way for you to teach road safety skills to 3-4-year-olds in your setting and raise their awareness of how to behave safely on, and around the road.

Through the campaign, you'll meet three loveable characters - Liv, Jaz & Zeb - who'll help to bring a bit of magic to the lessons and show kids how it's done.

We're committed to achieving the Mayor's vision of reducing the number of people killed, or seriously injured, on London's roads to zero. By teaching very young children precious safety skills, this programme will be crucial in helping us reach this goal.

If you are a childcare provider or early years teacher, you can sign up today to receive a TfL Discoverers pack.

Watch the new TfL Discoverers song and video.

The easy-to-use pack includes:

  • An activity guide briefing sheet for pre-school leaders
  • Sticker sheet and activity postcard for each child
  • A poster to display in your early years setting
  • And loads of fun! 

You can also learn along at home with our easy-to-use activity sheets (see resources).

Activity steps

Step 1

Register for your members' pack. Register your nursery by visiting the TfL website (see Resources)

Step 2

Share the resources. Once you've received your members' packs, encourage your children to engage in the resources.

Step 3

Have fun! Plan fun activities and explore the online activities, song and other resources with your pupils.

Step 4

Keep active travel on everyone's mind. Encourage parents/carers to keep using TfL Discoverers resources at home with their children

Step 5

Tell your story. Upload evidence in "my activities".