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TfL Explorers Ambassadors

Suitable for year 5 and 6 pupils. Supports the PSHE and Citizenship National Curriculum.



TfL Explorers Logo

Education phase

Key stage 2 Key stage 1

Categories of activity


Types of activity

Walking Scooting Cycling Public Transport Better Driving Independent Travel Road Safety

How it helps

  • Supports the PSHE National Curriculum
  • Supports transition to secondary school

About the activity

The TfL Explorers Ambassadors scheme encourages safer, active and independent travel within the school community. The scheme involves recruiting a team of TfL Explorers Ambassadors; year 5 and 6 pupils who work to promote active travel and road safety to their peers through a range of activities.

TfL provides all the resources and guidance needed to set up and run your school’s own TfL Explorers Ambassadors team.

Running the scheme

With a lot of the work done by TfL Explorers Ambassadors, your school must fully support the scheme and allocate a school TfL Explorers Ambassadors lead. This can be either a teacher or learning assistant who oversees the TfL Explorers Ambassadors team and supports them with their projects.

Activity steps

Step 1

Appoint a TfL Explorers Ambassadors guide. Recruit an enthusiastic member of staff as your school’s TfL Explorers Ambassadors guide and speak with your borough officer to help get you started

Step 2

Recruit a TfL Explorers Ambassadors team. Find a team of motivated pupils who want to be involved through an election or interview process

Step 3

Download and order resources here

Step 4

Set targets and plan activities. Use your hands up surveys and speak to pupils, staff and parents to identify issues and set targets. Work with the TfL Explorers Ambassadors team to plan activities into the school calendar

Step 5

Promote and share success. Ask your TfL Explorers Ambassadors team to promote the planned activities and encourage them to shout about their success stories to the wider school community in assemblies, on your website and in newsletters

Step 6

Tell your story. Upload evidence in 'my activities'.