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Walk to School Week

Suitable for primary school children. Supports the PE and PSHE and Citizenship curriculum.



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Education phase

Early years Key stage 2 Key stage 1

Category of activity


Types of activity


How it helps

  • Supports the PE and PSHE National Curriculum
  • Encourages active travel

About the activity

Walk to School Week is run by the charity Living Streets and is a yearly event held in May to raise awareness of walking and other active ways to travel. Check out the inspiration and free resources here on the Living Streets website.

There are so many opportunities to promote walking

You can also use our pedometer challenge record sheet to keep track of how much your pupils are walking.

Activity steps

Step 1

Get prepared. Check out the Walk to School week resources, sit down with your working group and discuss ideas for the week

Step 2

Make a pledge. Before the week starts ask your pupils to make a personal pledge as to how much they will walk

Step 3

Celebrate your walkers. Throughout the week celebrate those taking part by sharing their efforts in your class and assemblies

Step 4

Check for success. Find out from your school community about the week's benefits and challenges. Ask pupils and their parents/carers whether the week has changed their attitudes towards walking to school

Step 5

Tell your story. Upload your evidence to "my activities"