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Working with local charities

Suitable for all nurseries and schools.


Education phase

Early years Key stage 2 Key stage 3 Key stage 4 Key stage 5 Key stage 1

Categories of activity


Types of activity


How it helps

  • Promotes positive travel behaviours
  • Encourages an interest in the wider community

About the activity

Work with a local charity, community group or non-governmental organisation (NGO) to promote safe sustainable travel within the wider school community. This can help to highlight your school’s work towards accreditation and build relationships within the local community. Some groups may be able to offer resources to support you on your journey.

Some charities you could look into partnering with include SustransLiving StreetsBrakeCycling UKBritish CyclingSports Relief and Change4Life. Do some research to find out what other relevant organisations are local to your school and whether you have any existing connections.

Ideas for working with a charity, community group or NGO:

  • Organise a litter pick with a local community group or neighbourhood watch for the area around your school
  • Hold a sponsored cycling or walking event to raise money for a local charity
  • Work with an arts charity to design a sustainable transport themed mural for a wall at your school or in a public area within its community 

How to evidence your activity 

  • Record feedback from your pupils and staff
  • Upload your evidence to explain your activity and include any communications with your partners, publicity materials and images of partnership events

Activity steps

Step 1

Plan your partnership. With your school travel working group, senior management and borough officer discuss ideas for suitable partnerships to support your active travel targets

Step 2

Make contact. Contact your chosen charity or NGO sharing your ideas for partnering with them. Organise a meeting to plan the next steps

Step 3

Spread the word. Promote the partnership within the school’s wider community through the newsletter, on the travel noticeboard and school website. You could also contact the local press

Step 4

Check for success. What impact has the partnership had on pupils’ attitudes towards active travel? Record their feedback

Step 5

Tell your story. Upload evidence in "my activities".