For Primary Years
The average journey to primary school is less than 1 km. Walking, cycling or scooting that journey would benefit health and wellbeing, reduce congestion and improve safety. Our goal is to support schools to improve their school, pupils and the community around them.
TfL Explorers
TfL Explorers is a free year-round educational programme that inspires primary-aged children to travel actively, responsibly and safely. With over 120 activities ideas including toolkits, lesson plans and other free resources, you can create a plan that works for your school.

TfL Citizens
TfL Citizens is a one off session that teaches young people the tools for safe and responsible travel on public transport. That includes journey planning tips and the benefits of active travel.

Route to accreditation
Making a difference - you have delivered 10 activities and six supporting activities. With the right planning, this could be as simple as a walk to school week, a transition session and cycle training day.
A level up – over two years, you have delivered 20 activities, 10 supporting activities and five consultations. You have reduced car use by 1%. You have a plan for the year and are making real changes to your school and community.
A leading school – over three years, you have delivered 25 activities, 15 supporting activities and eight consultations. You have reduced car use by 6% or achieved 90% of the school run on sustainable transport. You and your students are leading the way and having a significant impact on your school, community and London.
How is your school progressing?
Start your journey towards a safer, healthier school environment
Check my schoolActivities for Primary Years
There are over 120 activities to chose from based on the needs of your school and local community. Explore and favourite activities here.
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Suitable for primary and secondary pupils. Supports the Geography National Curriculum.