Find out how a pizza party helped Guru Nanak walk their way to a win!
This Hillingdon school really know how to motivate their pupils!
In 2024, Guru Nanak were the proud winners of the Top Schools Modeshift Impact award following a successful campaign to reduce car use on the school run.
Due to the school’s location on an industrial estate, many parents felt wary about allowing their children to walk to school. The number of cars meant queues of traffic at the end of every school day, and teachers were unable to leave on time.
The Pioneers Ambassadors team created a fun competition – Footloose Friday – where students could win stickers for walking to school on Fridays.
Walkers were also given tokens, and the winning form was treated to a pizza party.
The commitment to active travel doesn’t end there – plans are afoot to set up walking groups for primary age to help build good habits early.
We wish Guru Nanak the best of luck and can’t wait to see what they achieve next!